Social Security and Mental Problems

I get a lot of questions about whether you can get Social Security Disability benefits for suffering from Mental Illness.

It is a good question.

People with depression, anxiety, bipolar, to name a few, can be found disabled.

If you suffer from these conditions you need to see a counselor and psychiatrist. This will show the seriousness of your illness, and document what  a professional considers to be your limitations.

Some people have problems getting treatment, but it is well worth it. Without proper medical services you will most likely lose your Social Security Disability case. You may need to turn for help from friends or relatives to get treatment, however in the long run this may make the difference between winning and losing.

What Social Security looks for how your depression, anxiety or bipolar symptoms affect your activities of daily living.

For example, are you able to concentrate, follow directions, get along with others, carry out simple tasks? These are the basics for working a full time job.

Questions about depression, anxiety, bipolar or other mental conditions? Feel free to call Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Your Doctor and Social Security Disability

Your Doctor can certainly help your Social Security Disability case.

You should let your doctor know that you are trying to get Social Security Disability. Explain how you are limited in your daily activities.

At some point you will want your Doctor to write a letter for your Social Security case.

I have seen some letters that are not very helpful. They say things like “Mr. Black has a bad back. He is disabled.” This does not help because it is up to the Judge to decide if you are disabled.

The most helpful letters detail why and how your condition limits you. They leave the ultimate call regarding the disability to the Social Security Judge.

The Administrative Law Judge can read between the lines and see how your limitations will make it difficult for you to work a full time job.

Questions about how your Doctor can help your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Can Someone Else Get Your Social Security Disability?

A long illness takes a toll on you, your family and your finances.

Once you win your Social Security Disability case can some creditor grab your back benefits from the Social Security Disability case?

In Illinois, creditors are not supposed to be able to get Social Security Disability money to satisfy your bills.

For example, bills for medical expenses, medications, or living expenses should not be subject to judgment or collection efforts. This does not mean people cannot sue you. However, they cannot use your Social Security Disability money to pay off your debt unless you agree to it.

Questions about Social Security Disability and how to get it? Feel free to call Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What happens after You Win Your Social Security Disability Case?

What happens after the Social Security Judge rules in your favor?

You will get an official notice in writing sent to your address.

You should also get a written notice explaining how much you will receive per month, and when payments will start. This should be sent to you within 30 days.

There will also be a notice about your back benefits. This sometimes takes longer up to 60 to 90 days. Social Security must calculate the back benefits. If there is SSI and SSD both involved this will slow down the back benefit process at times.

Strangely, I have had a number of clients who get no notice at all and money shows up in their bank account via direct deposit.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call me, Illinois Social Security Lawyer, Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Children’s Cases and SSI

Children’s cases for Social Security Disability are completely different than regular Adult disability cases.

Of course, the focus in adult cases is whether you can work. For children, Social Security looks at ability to function in 6 different areas.

Many attorneys will not take Children’s SSI cases. I will represent children in SSI cases because I believe you can win under certain circumstances, and parents need help getting through the system.

You must prove your child is extremely limited in one area, or markedly limited in two areas.

Three of the areas deal with physical functioning, and three deal with mental functioning.

Just as in Adult cases, you must appear before a Judge. The child must appear and testify, unless the Judge says the child does not need to testify. This usually happens for younger children.

The parent also must testify in court before the Judge.

The key in children’s SSI cases is to have good medical treatment, and it helps to have a sympathetic doctor.

Proof of hospitalization, school records, and discipline records are also very important.

Need help with your Child’s SSI case? Feel free to call Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371