Senate Committee Passes Bill After Emotional Testimony From Hastert Victim

Emotions ran high at the state capitol as a child sex abuse victim of Dennis Hastert lobbies for changing the rules on prosecuting child predators.Hastert, the former House Speaker, is serving time at a federal prison for his hush-money case. Hastert plead

Source: Senate Committee Passes Bill After Emotional Testimony From Hastert Victim

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You cannot argue against removing the statute of limitations against child predators. Do not let them hide behind any procedural walls.

When Should You File for Social Security Disability?

If you can no longer work, then you should file for Social Security Disability benefits right away.

There are several reasons for filing immediately.

First, the process takes a very long time.

It can take from six months to over two and one-half years to get a final decision. This includes multiple appeals and a hearing before the administrative law judge.

Second, you can lose benefits if you delay.

Social Security rules only allow you to go back 12 months from the application date to recover back benefits.

For instance, if you were found disabled 24 months before your application date then you lose 12 months of back benefits.

Third, you want to get your Medicare started.

Medicare is available 30 months after your disability onset date is determined.

If you cannot work there is no reason to delay.

File your Social Security Disability as soon as possible.

Need to help with the application process? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Beloved volunteer at Museum of Transportation killed when tire explodes | Metro |

Eric Heselbarth, 73, died after being struck in head by piece of tire from vintage produce truck exploded.

Source: Beloved volunteer at Museum of Transportation killed when tire explodes | Metro |

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Tragic accident. Volunteers may not receive Workers’ Compensation according to Illinois law. For damages to be paid in a negligence action it must be proven that the Museum or the manufacturer of product was at fault in some way.

Stabbing victim at GM plant was having affair with assailant’s husband, police say | Law and order |

Alicia J. Turner, 27, of Florissant, was charged Friday with assault, armed criminal action and burglary.

Source: Stabbing victim at GM plant was having affair with assailant’s husband, police say | Law and order |

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Interesting case. What would happen in Illinois? A defense would raised that this was a personal issue that happened at work. The injured worker would argue that the attacker gained entrance through the negligence of the employer. Not sure how the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission or ultimately Illinois courts would rule, but it would test the limits of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act.