Very Important Work Comp Tips

Following these tips will save you a lot of trouble and potential heart ache.

Make sure that you go to a doctor right away after you are injured to be evaluated and treated.

Make sure that you tell your doctor about all your injuries at the first visit.

Make sure that you tell the doctor about your work accident at the first visit.

I have seen too many cases become side tracked for failure to follow these 3 easy steps.

If you delay seeking treatment it gives the work comp insurance company a reason to argue that something else caused your condition.

If you forget to tell your doctor about all your injuries it allows the work comp insurance company to raise the defense that only your back was injured and not your shoulder also.

If you do not tell the doctor that you were injured at work, then the insurance company will blame something else for your injury and you may lose your case.

Questions about ways to help your case and make it stronger and worth more? Call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability- State of the State

Just as the President of the United States provides an annual address explaining his view of the future of America, I will take a stab at explaining recent trends in Social Security Disability.

Many more people are being denied disability benefits at the initial application stage and the reconsideration level.

It is taking longer to get a hearing; up to 2 years.

Judges are being tougher on people seeking benefits.

More people who receive Social Security Disability benefits are being taken off benefits because SSA claims that they have made medical improvement and can now work.

There is a perfect storm of a large number of people applying for disability benefits, a reduction in SSA employees, and extreme financial problems for the Federal government and the Social Security program.

Congress has made high profile attacks on the Social Security Disability system.

The Administrative Law Judges presiding over the disability cases are feeling the heat.

The Judges are denying many more cases. The approval rating has dropped from close to 50 percent to the low 30s in some regions.

All of this means that you must be very prepared for your case from the beginning.

Do not take any chances.

Hire an experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer right away.

It does not cost you anything unless you win and then fees are limited according to federal law.

Call Illinois Social Security Disability lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Tip

Another Work Comp tip this week.

Make sure that you go the doctor right away after being hurt on the job.

The longer you wait the more the insurance company will argue that you were not really hurt badly.

Make sure that you tell the doctor about all your injuries and how you were injured at work.

If you do not give a history of your injury, then the insurance company will argue that you got hurt at home or anywhere but at work.

If you do not describe all your injuries, then the insurance company will claim that whatever you failed to mention is not related to your work accident.

Make sure that you treat consistently and follow doctor orders.

Doing otherwise will invite the insurance company to cut you off from payment and medical treatment because it looks like you are ready to return to work.

Questions about your work comp injury? Call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 for a free consultation.

Illinois Work Comp- Friday Tip

Friday is a good day to reflect and sum up the week.

One tip to help and protect your Illinois Workers’ Compensation case is to report all your injuries as soon as possible.

This means putting in writing for your work all injuries that happened as a result of your accident.

Use your employer’s accident reports or incident forms if available.

If not, write down when your accident happened, how it happened, and what body parts were injured.

Make sure to date the report.

Make a copy for yourself.

Give the original to your supervisor or your human resources people.

You should also tell the doctor the same information, and if possible give them a copy of the report.

For instance, “On June 5, 2015 I fell on the steps at work while carrying boxes and injured my right ankle and hurt my neck.”

This will prevent the insurance company from trying to argue that you only hurt your ankle at work and not your neck. Or that you really got hurt working in your yard.

A little prevention will save you loads of trouble down the road.

Did you know that you can hire an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer and you willing only have to pay them if they recover a settlement for you?

Make sure to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 for a free consultation.

Electroshock no longer taboo in treating mental illness –

Whether it’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “Girl Interrupted,” or “Homeland,” Hollywood’s portrayals of electroconvulsive therapy have never been pretty.And the images from those movies and TV shows have only added to a stigma that keeps many desperate patients from opting for a therapy that might turn their lives around, experts say.

Source: Electroshock no longer taboo in treating mental illness –


Click above to read.

If you have had this type of treatment as part of your mental health regimen make sure that you let Social Security know. This is very important.