Why Is Social Security Denying Me?

Many people ask me, “I cannot find a job so why does Social Security say I can work?”

Social Security Disability does not deal with the real world. Most healthy people are having a hard time finding a job. So if you are sick and have a number of limitations, then it will be almost impossible to find a job.

However, Social Security Disability does not take into account the unemployment rate, or how hard it will be for you to find a job with your limitations.

The only thing they look at is whether any jobs exist for someone with your limitations, and the numbers of jobs available. The types of jobs available and the numbers of jobs are based on outdated government manuals.

The only way to deal with this approach is to attack the jobs the vocational expert cites based on the requirements of each job.

Need help with your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call me and talk about your case.

How Long Does A Social Security Hearing Last?

Some people are surprised at how short their Social Security Disability hearing lasts.

Maybe from watching TV you expect an all day trial with a jury and a parade of witnesses. Not so! There is only the judge, and no jury. The only other people in the room is a vocational expert, and someone recording the hearing.

The typical hearing lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour. I know, you have waited for over one year to get to the hearing and it is over in less than one hour.

The reality is that Social Security has so many disability applications that if it took any longer for the hearing you would be waiting 3 years.

There are also limited witnesses. There is barely time for you to tell what is going on with your condition. Let alone to have more than a witness or two to testify.

I usually use letters from witnesses to support the claimant. This gives you plenty of time to testify, and the judge does not feel rushed.

Do you have questions about what will happen in your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call me and talk about your case. Ask for Dirk.

Social Security Disability- Why Does It Take So Long?

It takes close to 2 years to get from Application stage to a hearing before a Social Security Administrative Law Judge.

This is an incredibly long time to wait for someone who is disabled and cannot work.

The statistics show a large number of Social Security Disability filings across the nation. That combined with a limited number of Social Security Judges and employees who prepare the cases for trial results in long waits.

There is some good news. In Central Illinois, the waiting time has been reduced some 6 to 12 months over the last year.

The best thing you can do is know exactly what the Social Security Disability Judges are looking for when your case is ready for hearing.

Got questions about Social Security Disability? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Multiple Sclerosis and Social Security Disability

One possible symptom for MS is tremors of the extremities.

This can be very important in your Social Security Disability case.

The reason is that the Judge looks at your limitations and the effect on jobs you can perform.

For example, weakness in the legs or limited energy would most likely place you in a sit down job. If you have tremors in the arms and hands to the extent that they bother your reaching, handling and fingering consistently, then you will be severely limited.

There are very few sit down jobs that do not involve frequent to constant use of the hands and arms. This should greatly reduce the jobs available to you, and result in a finding of disability.

Questions about your condition and how it affects your work ability? Feel free to call Dirk at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Attorney Fees

There is often a big understanding about Legal Fees and Social Security Disability.

You can get the help of a Social Security Lawyer without paying any money up front.

The Federal Law allows you to hire a lawyer to help you with your case on a contingent fee basis. This means that you do not have to pay any money to the lawyer unless you win.

The fees are limited to 25% of back benefits or $6,000 whichever amount is less. There are never any fees on your monthly check.

Not bad, considering that if you get Social Security Disability benefits you will receive them for the rest of your life. This could easily mean benefits that result in several hundred thousand dollars over your lifetime.

Questions about Social Security Disability? Feel free to call me, Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.