Waiting Game

Social Security Disability is really a survival situation.

You must hang in there until the hearing is held, and a Judge reviews your medical records and listens to your testimony.

You must get your medical treatment while you wait. It may seem like you cannot afford to get treatment, but if you do not go to the doctor then you will most likely lose.

Thinking you are saving some money by not going to the doctor is foolish.

If you are truly disabled, then you will have to seek medical treatment.

Testimony about your pain and limitations is not enough. There must be medical records to support your complaints.

Questions about medical treatment and Social Security Disability? Call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What does Social Security Mean- I Can Work?

If the Social Security Disability Judge thinks you can work, then you in most cases you are not disabled (when you are over 50 years old different rules apply).

What kind of work counts to Social Security? Any type of work counts. Even if you can only work a minimum wage job, this will disqualify you. Social Security does not require a liveable wage. Currently, gross wages over $970.00 per month is considered substantial gainful employment.

Social Security also does not require the jobs to be located in your home town. If the jobs are located in Illinois that is good enough. As a practical matter this is ridiculous, but that is the law.

Social Security does not care what the unemployment rate is in your area. The only thing they look at is whether you have the ability to perform the job.

As you can see it is pretty difficult to overcome this standard.

That is why it is important to know what kind of questions to ask the vocational expert.

Questions about this? Call me, Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.

Showing up is Important

Someone famous once said “90 percent of life is showing up”. This applies to Social Security Disability too.

If you do not apply, you cannot get Social Security Disability.

It does not cost anything to file.

No attorney fees unless you win, and then it applies to back benefits only.

You never know what the Judge will do. I have seen cases that I did not think would have much of a chance, be approved at the hearing.

You never know the vocational expert will say. I have seen vocational experts testify in amazing ways. If you know what questions to ask you can take advantage of it.

The bottom line is show up and be prepared; life is always surprising.

Qualifying for Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability is what is called an insurance program.

You must pay into Social Security for enough quarters in 5 out of the last 10 years to be eligible.

If you do not work enough and pay enough into the system, then you will not receive any money even if you are physically or mentally disabled.

You could be eligible for SSI but it only pays just over $600 per month, and most income or assets you have can reduce your SSI payments.

Need more information on Social Security Disability or SSI?

Call Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Are You Disabled?

Social Security Disability is based on whether the Judge (ALJ) thinks you are able to work any job-if you are under 50 years of age.

It is not about whether you can do some job you have done before.

Social Security does not have to actually find you a job.

There do not have to be any job openings in your area.

It can be a minimum wage job. No matter what you earned in the past.

You will have to show that cannot do a simple sit down job- such as a order taker or surveillance system monitor.

Usually this means you must prove overwhelming pain related to an objective medical condition, along with side effects from medications.

Or proof that your condition permanently keeps you from lifting 10 pounds or over, or your walking, standing and sitting is extremely limited.

Some mental conditions can also keep you from performing even the simplest jobs.

More questions about what it means to be disabled according to Social Security? Call Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.