Top 5 Ways to Win Your Social Security Disability Case

1. Be 50 years old or older. The older you are the easier it is to win. The rules are less strict when you hit 50 years of age. You can win your Social Security Disability case if you are under 50 years old, but you must prove you cannot do any job.

2. Go to your doctors and tell them about all your problems. Social Security Disability is all about the medical.

3. Know your judge. Each ALJ (the judge) is a person. They have their own likes and dislikes.

4. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. You will most likely be denied if you have a drug or alcohol problem.

5. Know what to ask the Vocational Expert. They can make or break your case.

Questions about how to win your case? Call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer, Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.

More on Working and Social Security Disability

The issue of working while waiting for your Social Security Disability hearing is very difficult.

Everyone has to live and the wait is too long, but each judge has a different perspective on whether the part time job you are doing could translate into full time work.

There is no bright line, or case that guides the judges and says you cannot take into part-time work into account when deciding whether a person is disabled.

The other problem is that you do not know who your judge will be until it is too late. A Social Security Attorney who is familiar with the judges in your area can usually tell you how they will react to part-time work. However, you cannot change ALJs.

The other part of the puzzle is the type of job you work. If you work a heavy lifting job, then you will most likely be denied. If you work around people, and complain of depression and fear of being around others then it does not fit the pattern of your complaints.

I realize this does not provide crystal clear guidance, but you must think very carefully before you attempt to work part-time while waiting for your Social Security Disability hearing.

Why do I need a Social Security Lawyer?

Why would you need a Social Security Lawyer to help you with your disability case?

2 words: Vocational Expert.

Most people do not know why these people are in the hearing room, and they certainly do not know what to do when they say you can do certain types of jobs.

If the vocational expert testifies that you can work, and this testimony is not questioned in the right way then you may lose your case.

It just does not make sense to take a chance that you will win your case without help from someone experienced in how these experts routinely answer the ALJ’s questions.

Please feel free to call me, Central Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May, at 309-827-4371. I question these vocational experts many times each month, and would be happy to discuss your case with you.

Social Security Disability and Working

It takes a long time for Social Security to make a decision whether you are disabled so many people want to know if they can work while they are waiting.

It is understandable that you will need to work, but it is a touchy area.

The most you can earn per month is around $900.00 per month gross. The amount changes each year.

The problem is that many Judges will treat your part-time work as meaning that you are able to work full time, and that you are not disabled.

If you work part-time you should keep track of any accommodations your work makes for you, or absences you have because of your illness.

It is not easy to wait and wait for Social Security to make their decision about your disability. However, if the Judge thinks you can work a job and make more than $900 a month then you are not disabled.

Questions about working part-time and your Social Security case? Please call me, Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

When to File for Social Security Disability

Now is the time to file for Social Security Disability if you are not working.


Because it takes time to get to the hearing stage. Anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 years from the time you file.

You should hire a lawyer to represent you right away also.


Because it shows Social Security you mean business.

Your lawyer is only paid if you win. Your lawyer is only paid from back benefits, never from your monthly check. The fee is also limited to 25% of the back benefits or $6,000 whichever is the lower amount.

Questions about when to file for Social Security Disability, or when you need a lawyer, call me, Attorney Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.