Social Security Disability and Your Date of Last Insurance

What does your Date of Last Insurance mean, and why does it matter?

Social Security Disability is an insurance program.

This means you must pay enough into the system to be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.

You must be found disabled before your date of last insurance.

For instance, if your date of last insurance is December 31, 2010, then you must prove you were unable to work before this date.

Some people have a date of last insurance of several years ago. This makes it very difficult to prove your case because the medical records from years ago are usually not that supportive.

There is also the question of why you waited to file your case several years later.

The date of last insurance problem usually happens when you have not worked for a number of years, or you have worked sporadically, or you did not pay Social Security taxes.

Even so you may still be eligible for SSI, which is a different type of program.

Question about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Your Judge

The Administrative Law Judge is key to your Social Security Disability case.

For the most part, the Judge controls your fate. You may appeal if denied, however, your chances of winning on appeal are very low.

Whether the Judge is nice or not does not matter.

She is looking for certain things to help her decide your case.

Such as what does your doctor say about your symptoms, restrictions, and limitations.

What kind of work you did in the past 15 years.

What is your age?

What is your education?

What you do each day?

The Administrative Law Judge must decide what type of work you can perform.

The other thing is that you are stuck with the Judge you are assigned. There is no Judge shopping.

The best thing you can do is be ready for the type of questions the Judge will ask.

Questions about what the Social Security Judge will ask you at your hearing? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What is Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability or Title II is an insurance program.

You pay into the program from your paychecks each pay period.

Just like Social Security Retirement.

So if you become sick or injured and can no longer work you may be able to get paid a monthly benefit.

It is not a welfare program.

The welfare program is SSI.

Do not let anyone tell you that people are ripping off the government when they are on Social Security Disability.

Because it is your money that you have paid in over your work career.

The amount people receive for Social Security Disability varies because the amount you pay is different over your lifetime.

However, you must still prove you are disabled to be eligible to get your monthly payments.

Questions about whether you can get Social Security Disability? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.