Social Security Disability and Dementia

There are some diseases we do not want to think about.

This includes dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As horrible as it is to contemplate a loved one or friend with these conditions, there are some programs available to assist in these circumstances.

One of the available programs is Social Security Disability.

To be eligible you must have worked enough quarters in 5 of the last 10 years to be financially eligible.

You must also prove that you cannot work your former job or any other job.

If you are still working and earning more that $1,000 a month gross, then you are not eligible.

If you can no longer work or can only do simple part time work then you are entitled to benefits.

To prove that you have dementia or Alzheimer’s you will need your doctor’s records showing your diagnosis.

It also helps to have MRI’s or EEG’s.

You may also have neuropsychological testing that shows diminishment of cognitive functions.

It also helps to have family or friends testify to problems they have observed with memory and daily activities.

You may be able to get a letter from an employer describing problems on the job.

You must apply for Social Security Disability benefits in order to receive them.

The application involves background information, medical information and work history. The way you answer the application questions is important to your case.

You should contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney to help you with your application. Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May with Williams and Swee at 309-827-4371 to discuss your case.

Back Injuries in Illinois Workers’ Compensation Cases

Back injuries are a major reason that people file for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

Disc herniations, aggravation of spinal canal narrowing, nerve impingement, and spinal fractures as a result of traumatic injuries are the main problems that result from back injuries.

These conditions may result in the need for disc surgeries, implants or fusions.

Complications such as arthritis and accelerated degenerative disc disease, may result and cause severe pain and interfere with activities of daily living.

It is important that you are able to show objective evidence of these conditions through MRIs, CAT scans, Xrays, operative reports or other diagnostic tests.

Ongoing pain treatment is also a sign that you are having chronic problems.

This may include seeing a pain management doctor, taking strong pain medications, wearing a pain stimulator, or having nerves burned.

Prescriptions for a brace, cane or walker will also show that you are having mobility problems.

Consistent problems with pain and side effects from medications interfering with concentration and staying on task may interfere with your work activities.

If you experience some of these symptoms you should be very careful before you settle your case or close out your medical rights.

Questions about your Illinois Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May with Williams and Swee at 309-827-4371.

McLean County, Chestnut eyeing partnership

McLean County, Chestnut eyeing partnership.

Click above to read.

Chestnut will accept the medical card and provides regular healthcare and mental health services. This is an important place for people who are seeking Social Security Disability to get medical treatment if you have a medical card.