Social Security benefits linked to heroin addictions: pol – NY Daily News

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton says Social Security disability benefits can lead to heroin and meth addictions.

Source: Social Security benefits linked to heroin addictions: pol – NY Daily News

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Some questionable linking between economic collapse and Social Security Disability.

The plight of a workers’ comp case | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – In July 2008, Joshua Gartland, 33, moved back into his mother’s Westmoreland County home. He had run away at age 15, started using drugs a year later and struggled with addiction from then on. As a result, he had many medical problems, and in 2007 one of his legs had to be amputated because of necrotizing fasciitis — a flesh-eating bacterial infection — and he required dialysis for kidney failure. His mother, Laura O’Rourke, then-59, of North Huntingdon, agreed to allow him to move back into her home and become his paid caregiver as part of an arrangement through Three Rivers Center for Independent Living. In that role, she was responsible for bathing him, preparing his meals, changing his dressings and all other aspects of his care. Less than a year later, on April 11, 2009, Gartland

Source: The plight of a workers’ comp case | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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Very unusual case. I believe Illinois courts would rule in favor of the mother who is was the caregiver based on her job duties. However, in Illinois some caregivers who work through the State are not considered to be employees.

What are the common symptoms of lupus? | Lupus Foundation of America

Because lupus can affect so many different organs, a wide range of symptoms can occur.

Source: What are the common symptoms of lupus? | Lupus Foundation of America

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Severe cases of lupus may result in a finding of disability for the purposes of Social Security Disability. Make sure that you tell your doctor regarding all symptoms and how extreme they are.

Fox Lake cop death to be ruled suicide: sources | Chicago Sun-Times

In a stunning turn of events, Lake County officials are expected to announce Wednesday that the death of Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz was a suicide related to personal issues and an ongoing law enforcement investigation of him, sources said.

Source: Fox Lake cop death to be ruled suicide: sources | Chicago Sun-Times

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Obviously, a very tragic situation. Does raise the issue of an Illinois Workers’ Compensation death claim if you can prove that it was caused by someone else.