When Can You Settle Your Work Comp Case?

You cannot settle your Workers’ Compensation case in Illinois until you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement “MMI”.

Maximum Medical Improvement is when you are as good as you are going to get.

This may take some time. For example, you may a surgery and need physical therapy. The doctor may then want to do a second surgery. There is no magic time limit in Illinois Work Comp law when you must settle.

Sometimes the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company will stop paying you temporary total disability to force you to settle.

If they stop paying you, then you must go to trial to force the insurance company to turn on your payments again.

Long term medical treatment is stressful. However, the Arbitrator needs to know what your permanent condition and restrictions are before she can rule on the value of your case.

Questions about your medical treatment and how it effects your settlement? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Do I Have to go to the Work Comp Insurance Company Doctor?

In Illinois, you do not have to treat with the doctor the insurance company sends you to or recommends, but you do have to attend the IME doctor appointment.

These are two different animals in Illinois Work Comp law. Sometimes insurance companies or employers will send you to an occupational doctor for treatment purposes. Under Illinois law you have the right to treat with your own doctor. You do not have to accept the Workman’s Comp doctor.

However, when the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company sends you a notice to attend a Section 12 Independent Medical Examination you must attend. The Work Comp Law says that if you do not go to the doctor, then the Insurance Company does not have to pay you any benefits. The purpose of the IME visit is not for medical treatment. It is to prepare  medical opinion testimony for purposes of trial.

You should be careful what you tell an IME doctor. The Insurance Company hires this doctor, and he may testify against your interests.

Questions about doctors and insurance company exams? Feel free to call Illinois Work Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Need Work Comp Prescriptions?

Workman’s Compensation Insurance Companies in Illinois often do not want to pay for medical treatment, including prescriptions.

Why not?

The Insurance Companies know that small dollar treatment is a pain to  fight over. If they deny treatment or prescriptions the only alternative is to pay for it yourself or go to court.

Going to court will often cost you more than the value of the prescriptions.

However, there are some alternatives.

Some private companies have begun to provide mail order prescriptions directly to the injured worker. They seek payment from the Work Comp insurance  company and at the end of the case.

This makes life much easier for you, and gets your prescription filled promptly.

Questions about getting your Workers’ Compensation prescription filled? Feel free to call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Do You always get a Settlement Offer?

Someone called the other day with the question “Does the Insurance Company have to give me a settlement offer?”

The Work Comp company does not have to give you a settlement offer.

But you are entitled to a settlement if you are injured on the job.

Workman’s Compensation Companies prey on people’s lack of knowledge. Many people think they are entitled only to medical bills and time off pay.

You are also entitled to a settlement or permanent partial disability pay.

The way you should approach the company is to make an opening demand for you settlement. This places the ball in their court to respond, and makes them respond to your offer.

Questions about settlements and what you should demand? Feel free to call Illinois Workers Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Bloomington Normal Disabilities Expo

The annual Parenting and Disabilities Expo has been set for October 5, 2010. The hours are 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

The location is Bloomington, Illinois High School Student Center.

The focus of the Expo is Children and Adults with Disabilities.

There will be over 30 exhibitors, and over 200 people attended last year.

The Expo is very informative, and a great way to meet people dealing with disabilities and  who provide access to services that may be very helpful to you.

Access Allies of Bloomington Normal and The Transition Planning Committee are putting on the Expo.

Any questions about the Expo? Feel free to call Illinois Workers Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.