Work Comp Not Paying You?

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law requires the insurance company to pay you when you are off work as the result of an on the job injury.

If you are not being paid, something is wrong.

You should contact an Illinois Work Comp Attorney to get your payments started.

Illinois Work Comp Lawyers do not get paid until you get paid so there are no upfront fees to have a lawyer help you.

The insurance company has a number of lawyers helping it protect its money, you should get a lawyer who will look out for your interests.

Questions about why you have not been paid. Contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Firefighting is a Dangerous Business

Click to watch.

Be careful out there. Many in Bloomington have stepped up to help the Church.

Illinois Firefighters can get Illinois Work Comp benefits when injured on the job. Contact us if you need assistance.