What if they will not Allow My Work Comp Treatment?

Your medical treatment is very important.

Delay may mean that you have permanent damage to your body that will impact the rest of your life.

In Illinois medical treatment is one of the top benefits you are entitled to if you are injured on the job.

You should let the insurance company know immediately regarding what treatment your doctor recommends.

This includes things such as MRIs, Xrays, nerve tests, injections, medications, or surgeries.

If your insurance company is delaying approving the recommended medical treatment, contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney right away.

Illinois Work Comp lawyers can work on your case to get your medical treatment without requiring any upfront fee.

Questions about medical treatment for your Work Injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What if You do not like Work Comp’s Offer?

You are ready to settle your Illinois Workers’ Compensation case and the insurance company gives you a low offer. What do you do?

You can make a counter demand in attempt to get the Workers’ Compensation insurance company to raise its offer.

If the insurance company refuses to increase the money it will pay, then your only choice is to get ready for trial.

You should see an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer and let the insurance company know it.

This tells the insurance company you are serious and they must take the chance that an Arbitrator will award you more money than the offer.

It costs nothing upfront to hire a lawyer. The lawyer is only paid if they can recover money for you at the end of the case.

Questions about your Work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

You Know It is Bad When…


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You know it is bad when you have to call in the National Guard to help with Nursing Home residents. Covid is decimating staff and residents.

Work Comp will not Authorize Your Treatment?

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law provides 3 benefits for injured workers.

The first benefit is paying for medical treatment.

The second benefit is payment while you are off work.

The third benefit is payment for the value of the work injury.

Payment for your medical treatment is very important. If you cannot obtain medical treatment then you cannot get better and back to work.

If the insurance company does not pay for the medical treatment or will not authorize it, then call an Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney right away.

It does not cost you anything to hire an Illinois Work Comp lawyer. The reason is that the law allows an injured worker to hire a lawyer immediately and they do not have pay the lawyer until the case is settled and money is available to the injured worker.

Make sure to get your important medical treatment as soon as you can.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

When to get Your Illinois Work Comp Settlement

Illinois Workers’ Compensation law allows you to get your work injury settlement after you have completed your medical treatment.

Most Illinois work injuries will result in permanent damage and this means you are entitled to recover money from the insurance company.

Permanent damage means things such as fractures, surgical repairs, hernias, severe strains, permanent restrictions.

Once you have been released from the doctor the insurance company should contact you and offer you money for your injury.

If they do not make an offer see an Illinois Work Comp Attorney right away.

Some insurance companies will hope you do not know the law and walk away without getting any money.

Some insurance companies will give you a low offer and hope you will take it to save themselves money.

You should contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer to discuss your offer. There is no fee unless the attorney can recover money for you.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Injury Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.