Covid 19 and the Workplace

Illinois Workers’ Compensation law requires you to prove that it more likely than not that your work injury or disease resulted from the work place or work responsibilities.

We are learning more regarding Covid 19 everyday.

Proving a workplace exposure will most likely require expert medical testimony explaining how the exposed worker contracted the coronavirus and the resulting course of the disease.

Healthcare workers, grocery store and retail employees, nursing home workers, and people with high contact with the public will present the most straightforward cases.

Initially, it was thought people with coronavirus work exposure cases would have low value because of a quick medical recovery with limited permanent damages. However, there are reports of serious permanent damages for some people. Such as chronic kidney damage, severe breathing disorders, restrictions in walking and use of the arms, and death.

If you know of someone who has contracted Covid 19 on the job make sure to contact a Workers’ Compensation lawyer. Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss your potential case.

Kidney Failure and Coronavirus

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Among other permanent conditions that may result from Coronavirus is kidney damage and the need for dialysis. Options may include Social Security Disability or Workers’ Compensation.

Watch for Work Comp Insurance Deception

Some Workers’ Compensation insurance companies are taking advantage of injured workers.

During these frightening and confusing times some insurance companies are hoping that injured workers will forget they should be paid a settlement at the end of their work comp case.

Do not let insurance companies get away with this.

Feel free to contact us if you have not been paid your settlement money. Call Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss how to get your money.

Devastation of Coronavirus

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The unknown stirs up fear. The impact and after effects of the coronavirus is one of those unknowns. Permanent limitations are important in Social Security Disability and Illinois Workers’ Compensation cases. The law does make provision for people who can no longer work in at least these two areas. If you know someone who suffers from permanent restrictions as a result of Covid 19 please feel free to contact me at 309-827-4371.

Covid 19 in the Work Place

Many front line workers are being exposed to the coronavirus.

From healthcare workers, to grocery store employees, Walmart workers, and meat plant laborers these are high risk jobs.

If you become infected what happens?

Illinois law provides protection from workers in these high risk jobs.

Insurance companies may attempt to deny claims based on exposure somewhere outside the workplace, however you should press your claim.

Pursuant to Illinois law you are entitled to off work pay, medical treatment, and a permanent partial disability settlement at the end of the case.

This is a frightening disease, but do not let an insurance company scare you even more.

Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss your case.