Now what do I do if I am injured or disabled

What if I have a work injury or if I am disabled and unable to work at all?

Is all lost because it seems as if everything is closed?

In person hearings, trials and meetings have ceased, however you may still take action on your claims.

Illinois Workers’ claims may still be filed, cases settled, and prepared for trial.

Social Security Disability claims may still be filed, cases prepared for hearing, and telephone hearings are being conducted.

We are still able to talk with you over the telephone and send emails and prepare your cases for the time when the courts are open again.

You should contact us to discuss what is happening to you. Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp and Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Our Law Office is Open

We are still doing business via email and telephone.

We are still able to file Illinois Workers’ Compensation claims via email and mail.

We are still able to file Social Security Disability applications online.

Call us and we will be glad to discuss your injury and disability needs.

Free consultations available at 309-827-4371.

Coronavirus and Illinois Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability

Rapid change this week on the Coronavirus front and how it is impacting Illinois Work Comp cases and Social Security Disability cases.

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission has suspended all in person Arbitration proceedings for the remainder of March 2020. This means no on site meetings with Arbitrators and lawyers. There is a provision for emergency proceedings. No official word on what this means.

The practical effect is that this slows down the system and makes it difficult to reach settlement or have a trial on your case. If this extends for several months or more, the system will be under great stress and it will make it very difficult for injured workers.

On the Social Security Disability side, the Federal government has suspended all in person hearings. Your options are a telephone hearing or a video hearing at a lawyer’s office who has special video equipment.

If you have to reschedule the hearing it may take months to get a new hearing.

Our office has special video equipment for Social Security Disability hearings.

Questions about your Work Comp case or need a Social Security Disability video hearing? Feel free to contact Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.