Failed to Seek Immediate treatment for Work Injury?

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Shows that sometimes you can win your case if you fail to seek immediate medical treatment and report it right away, but why risk it? Go to the doctor right away and tell everyone it is a work injury.

Coronavirus and Illinois Work Comp

It is a brave new world with the coronavirus pandemic at hand.

What happens in Illinois if a worker is infected and becomes ill is a novel question.

Illinois law provides a defense for employers if the injured worker does not experience a risk greater than the general public.

With the virus it is an interesting question whether all are at risk equally, or if certain professions bear a greater risk.

For instance, healthcare workers would seem to be at high risk. Or workers in high population settings, such as school workers. But what about an office worker who contracts the disease from someone setting next to her?

In terms of what someone who is infected is entitled to, Illinois law provides for payment of medical benefits, off work pay, and potentially a settlement.

The interesting aspect of Illinois law is that it requires permanent partial disability in order to be paid a settlement. In other words you need to experience some sort permanent damage. Not sure what that would be with the coronavirus. Diminished breathing capacity, or some type of permanent restricitons? Of course, the worst outcome is death. Illinois law does provide for death benefits.

If you are infected on the job please contact an experienced Illinois Work Comp lawyer. Please feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Injured on the Job? What to do next.

Work injuries can be serious.

What you do at the beginning of your injury may protect your case several years later.

Do not let a supervisor or co-worker talk you into not reporting your work injury. It may be fatal to your case later on.

Arbitrators (the Judge) and insurance companies look closely at what happens right after you were injured.

So make sure to make a written injury report as soon as possible after the accident happens.

Make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible and tell all medical providers you were hurt at work.

Documentation will improve your work injury case and make sure that you receive all benefits you are entitled to under Illinois law.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to talk with Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Hurt at Work. Now What?

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This story is about North Carolina law, however it gives you a rough idea of how the system works. Illinois law provides some of the best benefits in the country. Make sure to contact us to discuss Illinois work injury law.

Coronavirus and Workers’ Compensation

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What about healthcare workers who contract the virus? Are they able to claim compensation for resulting injuries? Illinois law would allow the injured healthcare worker to receive medical benefits and time off work pay. But the question is whether any permanent damage is suffered in order to receive the settlement.