Latest Illinois Workers’ Compensation Changes

The Illinois Legislature is still debating changes in the Illinois Workers Comp Law.

The changes are currently linked to votes for an Income Tax Increase.

Republicans want to severely reduce choice of doctors, amounts paid to doctors, and settlements.

If these changes are passed, Illinois Work Comp cases will be dramatically changed for the worse.

We should know what the Legislature will do in the next 5 days.

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law Changes Discussed

The Illinois Legislature is discussing potential changes to the Workers’ Compensation Act.

The proposed changes range from reducing the amount health care providers can charge for medical bills, to reducing the length of time an injured worker can recover for a wage differential.

Another change proposed is limiting the medical providers an injured worker can choose.

Business groups, insurance companies, labor unions, lawyers, and doctors all have different ideas for reforming the Work Comp law so there will much discussion and debate regarding the potential changes.

Remember, nothing becomes law until the House and Senate pass identical bills and the Governor signs it.

I will keep you posted about any changes to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act.

Health Insurance and Workers Compensation

What if you have health insurance and you are injured on the job?

In Illinois, Work Comp insurance is sometimes slow to pay or authorize medical treatment.

Often the fastest way to get treatment is to run the treatment through your group health insurance.

The most important thing is to get your treatment and get back to work.

Do not worry if your health insurance has to pay. Workers’ Compensation insurance will have to reimburse or pay back your group health insurance company at the end of the case.

However, if your health insurance pays for Work Comp bills, then your settlement contracts will have to reflect that Work Comp is going to pay your insurance company back or you may end owing your health insurance for the bills. Be very careful about this.

Questions about your medical bills and Work Comp? Feel free to call Bloomington, Illinois Workmans Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.