Need Work Comp Prescriptions?

Workman’s Compensation Insurance Companies in Illinois often do not want to pay for medical treatment, including prescriptions.

Why not?

The Insurance Companies know that small dollar treatment is a pain to  fight over. If they deny treatment or prescriptions the only alternative is to pay for it yourself or go to court.

Going to court will often cost you more than the value of the prescriptions.

However, there are some alternatives.

Some private companies have begun to provide mail order prescriptions directly to the injured worker. They seek payment from the Work Comp insurance  company and at the end of the case.

This makes life much easier for you, and gets your prescription filled promptly.

Questions about getting your Workers’ Compensation prescription filled? Feel free to call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Do You always get a Settlement Offer?

Someone called the other day with the question “Does the Insurance Company have to give me a settlement offer?”

The Work Comp company does not have to give you a settlement offer.

But you are entitled to a settlement if you are injured on the job.

Workman’s Compensation Companies prey on people’s lack of knowledge. Many people think they are entitled only to medical bills and time off pay.

You are also entitled to a settlement or permanent partial disability pay.

The way you should approach the company is to make an opening demand for you settlement. This places the ball in their court to respond, and makes them respond to your offer.

Questions about settlements and what you should demand? Feel free to call Illinois Workers Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Can the Work Comp Company Close Out Your Case?

Someone asked the other day whether the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company could close your case without the injured worker’s permission.

The insurance company can close their own case but you still have your rights to recovery as long as you file an application of claim with the Illinois Industrial Commission.

An application of claim is different from having a case with the Insurance Company. The only way to protect your Work Comp rights in Illinois is to file an application of claim. If you do not settle your case within the Statute of Limitations you will lose your right to recovery. So you must be careful.

Someone also asked whether the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company could write something on the back of the check or trick you into signing your rights away? This cannot happen in Illinois. You must sign a pink settlement contract to close out your case. No waivers or magic words on the back of a check can do away with your settlement or Work Comp rights.

Questions about your Illinois Work Comp case or settlement? Feel free to call Illinois Workmans Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Back Surgeries and Settlements

Back injuries are usually the trickiest cases in Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law.

The problem is that doctors cannot really predict what the future holds.

You may need more surgery. You may need pain medications for the rest of your life. You may need injections.

If you settle your Work Comp case, then you are finished. You must find the way to pay for any future treatment for your back.

The only way to make sure you at least have a chance at future medical treatment for your back is to have a trial.

But if you have changed jobs, then the insurance company will blame any future problems on your new work activities. The Work Comp insurance company will also blame getting older as a cause your problems.

This is the dilemma you face when deciding whether to settle your Work Comp case.

Sometimes you can use the possibility of going to trial for your open medical as leverage against the Insurance Company.

Questions about back injuries and Work Comp settlements? Feel free to call Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Is My Work Comp Settlement Fair?

You never know who to trust. Especially with insurance companies.

I have seen them try to do some sneaky things with Work Comp settlements.

I have also seen fair settlements.

The key is do they pay all your medical bills?

Do they  take care of your time off work?

Do they factor in all your medical treatment?

Do they take into account your restrictions?

Do they anticipate your future medical needs?

Each case is unique. Each case has its own value.

Questions about your Illinois Work Comp settlement? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.