Can Someone Get Your Work Comp Settlement?

Can someone else latch onto your Workers’ Compensation Settlement in Illinois?

This is also known as a lien on your Work Comp.

In Illinois, Workers’ Compensation is unique in that there are no liens.

For example, in personal injury settlements insurance companies and medical providers can put a claim in on your settlement money.

Not so for your Work Comp settlement.

The only people who can get your Work Comp money are Child Support and Public Aid (Medicaid payments).

So if your hospital or doctors claim they can get your settlement they are wrong.

Questions about Illinois Work Comp Settlements? Feel free to call Illinois Workers Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What Happens After You Settle or Win Your Work Comp Case?

What happens after you win or settle your Illinois Work Comp case?

If you settle your case, the Arbitrator must approve your settlement contract.

About 30 days after you have an approved contract you will get paid from the Work Comp insurance company.

If you have a trial and win your case, the Arbitrator will send you the written decision in the mail. This will take anywhere from 45 to 60 days.

Either side can appeal the Arbitrator’s decision within 30 days of receipt.

Statistics show that approximately one half of the cases are appealed to the Commission level.

If your case is appealed it takes about 12 to 18 months to have an oral argument before the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.

Insurance Companies will often appeal the case to drag it out, and keep from paying you for the time the appeal is pending.

Questions about your Illinois Workers’ Comp case? Feel free to call Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Penalties and Work Comp Insurance Companies

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law allows for penalties in certain situations.

The Work Comp Insurance Company may have to pay extra money in penalties if they unreasonably refuse to pay your medical bills or Work Comp pay.

The Arbitrators and Workers’ Compensation Commissioners do not award these penalties very often.

Usually the only time they penalize the Insurance Company is when there is something that is very obvious.

Such as your accident is clear cut, and they do not have a doctor contesting your treatment or the connection between your accident and injury.

The Work Comp insurance company will usually get away with delays in payments.

They usually are not paying because there is some disagreement about your accident, or they have hired a doctor to say your injury is not connected to your accident or you are OK to return to work.

Questions about penalties and your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Work Comp and Social Security Disability

People who have severe Workers’ Compensation injuries and cannot work may be eligible for Social Security Disability.

You should not wait to file for your Social Security Disability.

There is no reason to delay applying for Social Security Disability.

The longer you wait to file may result in the loss of Social Security Disability benefits.

The process takes a long time so it is a good idea to get the application filed.

You paid taxes for your Social Security; therefore you should make sure you get what you paid for.

Questions about Social Security Disability and your Workers’ Compensation injuries? Feel free to call Illinois Work Comp Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Work Comp Insurance Companies and Settlement Tips

What are these Workers’ Compensation Insurance Companies up to?

Some times it seems like they take forever, and other times they seem to be in big hurry.

Beware if they are in a hurry to get you to settle your Work Comp case. They usually want to cut off your medical rights. This happens as soon as you settle.

They also want to pay you the least amount and get your case closed before you become worse and need more medical treatment.

Other times the Work Comp Insurance adjuster wants to hold onto his money as long as possible. This includes not paying your doctor bills, not paying your temporary total disability or off work pay, and not paying your settlement.

Questions about what the Insurance Company is doing with your settlement? Feel free to call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.