The way to get future medical treatment in your Illinois Workers Compensation case is often misunderstood.
As I have discussed before, usually the only way possible for future medical bills to be paid is to go to trial and win. This leaves open the avenue for you to collect on future medical needs.
There is not a medical card or insurance card issued. Instead you must request that the insurance company pay for the treatment needed. If they refuse, you must file a case with the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission.
For example, if you injured your back and had a surgery and went to trial and won, then 5 years later the doctor says you need a fusion. Assume the insurance company denies your request for the fusion, you then file for the Commission to review your case. Your doctor will have to testify that surgery is needed and it is related to your original work injury. You will also testify to your condition, and the insurance company doctor will testify. A panel of 3 commissioners will review the testimony, documents and arguments. They will then issue a decision. This process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 years. So you can tell this process is far from perfect, but it is the only one in place to deal with future medical requests.