Don’t Let Work Comp Insurance Close Your Case

Someone called our office with another great example of why you should contact a lawyer to protect yourself when injured on the job.

The Workers’ Compensation insurance company was closing their case after paying the medical bills.

Not so fast. Illinois law provides that you are entitled to a settlement after you are injured on the job.

The insurance company was hoping the person would not check with an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer.

This practice is not unusual for insurance companies. This saves them a large sum of money every year.

Make sure that it is not your money they keep.

An Illinois Work Comp lawyer only gets paid if you get paid.

Protect yourself and get the settlement money your entitled to under the law.

Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss your case.

Bloomington Man bites Security Guard

Click above to read.

In Illinois the Security Guard is able to file for Workers’ Compensation benefits. You must prove your damages. In this type of case there may be no long term damages. In the event the guard contracted HIV or hepatitis C or some type of disease this would be long term damage. Even without long term damage the guard will be entitled to related medical treatment and maybe a small settlement.

Your Privacy and Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case

What happens to your personal information when you file an Illinois work injury case?

The application of claim starts the process of a work injury case.

The fact that a filing has occurred is one of public record.

Anyone can look up who has filed an Illinois Workers’ Compensation case. This includes your date of injury, employer, average weekly wage, and body part injured.

Once the case is settled it becomes public record.

The amount of settlement is open to public review.

During the course of the work comp case, medical records related to your injury will be available to the insurance company and the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.

You must provide access to your medical records because the claim is based on the injury and the treatment you received.

The public does not have access to your medical records.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.