What Happens When My Work Injury Results in Surgery?

Your work injury is certainly serious if the doctor tells you that you need surgery.

The first step is to let the Workers’ Compensation insurance company know that your doctor has recommended surgery and request that the insurance company pay for the surgery.

Most insurance companies will decide to send you to see one of their doctors to determine whether they agree with the surgery recommendation.

You should consult with an experienced Illinois Work Comp lawyer immediately to discuss what this means for you and your case.

The doctor is not your doctor and will not be your treating doctor. She works for the insurance company. She may testify against you at trial. Anything you tell her may be used against you.

If the insurance company doctor says your condition is not related to the work injury, then you will have to go trial and have the Arbitrator decide between your doctor’s opinion and the insurance company doctor.

The insurance company may deny your surgery, however remember that you have options available to you and you do not have to take no for an answer.

The insurance companies have a large number of lawyers who are providing legal advice to them so make sure that you have an attorney on your side.

Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May to discuss how to get the most from your case.

Illinois Work Comp- You Have to Know When to Hold Them

Negotiating your Workers’ Compensation settlement is really an art.

As the song goes you have to know when to hold them and when to fold them.

This is all based on the value of your case and how strong it is.

In other words, is there some defense the Insurance company has that may reduce the value of your case or may knock out your case all together.

There is nothing worse than having a decent offer, rejecting it and going to trial and receiving a zero from the Arbitrator.

An experienced Illinois Work Comp lawyer can explain the weaknesses of your case and what you should expect from the Arbitrator.

Case value depends on your wage the year before you were injured, times 60 percent, times a number of weeks for each body part.

The job of your lawyer is to get a fair settlement based on the nature of your injury and your wage.

Sometimes you may be unable to return to your former job.

This usually requires a job search.

You must be committed to do the hard work of looking for a new job.

This is the only way you can prove the wage difference between your old job and the new job.

Whatever you do make sure that you get someone to help you through the maze of Illinois Work Comp rules and laws.

Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Illinois Work Comp Notes

Illinois Work Comp law continues to be in a state of change.

The new Governor has appointed new arbitrators and commissioners and reappointed arbitrators and commissioners and he continues to stump for dramatic changes to the workers’ compensation law.

This has caused a chill in decisions from arbitrators and commissioners and their view of the value of cases.

You must take this into account when deciding whether to settle your case or go to trial.

If you receive a decent settlement offer you should most likely settle your case rather than risk receiving a low award from an arbitrator.

The arbitrator does not know the offers and demands made during the settlement negotiations.

The arbitrator’s decision will be the amount you receive unless there is an appeal of the case, and the appeal can take over one year.

You should discuss your case and your settlement offer with an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer to make sure that you understand all the details and to help you make an informed decision regarding whether to settle or go to trial.

It does not cost you any upfront fees to seek the help of a lawyer. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorneys are only paid 20 percent of what you recover at the end of a case.

It makes sense to use a lawyer because the insurance company uses many lawyers against you in its case.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.