How Do I Apply for Social Security Disability?

You used to be able to call the local Social Security Office or go in person to apply for Social Security Disability.

Now Social Security wants you to do many things online, including applying for disability.

The online application asks questions about your background, children, marriage, work history, medications, doctors and hospitals.

It takes one to two hours, and can be frustrating.

The quicker you file the better.

The process of applying and going through the review take from three to six months. If you are required to go to a hearing this will take an additional nine to twelve months.

You can also lose back benefits if you do not apply in a timely manner.

I help people file for Social Security Disability benefits online. This will get you into the system faster and reduce your frustration.

Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.