Back Surgery and Workers’ Compensation Claims

Back injuries are a big deal in Workers’ Compensation claims.

The reason is that back pain can easily become chronic and bother you for many years.

The most important thing to do with a back injury is make an accident report immediately. This will insure that the employer does claim that you were injured somewhere outside of work.

It is also important to go to a doctor as soon as possible and report that you were injured at work and how it happened.
If you delay getting treatment, the insurance company may argue that your injury was not that bad because you waited too long.

In the situation that you must have surgery you will most likely need some weeks for recovery and physical therapy.

You cannot settle your case until you have recovered to the point of maximum medical improvement (meaning this is as good as you will get).

In back surgery cases especially, you must be very careful when settling your case.

Once you settle all future medical treatment will be your responsibility.

This means your medical card or own health insurance will have to cover the treatment.

Usually the only way to avoid this is to have a trial to leave open the possibility of access to future medical treatment.

If you have surgery for a back injury make sure that you consult with an experienced Illinois Work Comp attorney.

Questions about your case? Feel free to contact Illinois Worker’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May with Williams and Swee at 309-827-4371.