What Kind of Work Comp Lawyer Do You Need?

Workers’ Compensation in Illinois can be complicated so make sure your lawyer is helping you as much as possible.

If you need your lawyer to come see you in the hospital or at your home make sure that you ask the lawyer.

Your lawyer should help you file your application. You want to have all the advice and input necessary before you provide any information to your employer and the Work Comp insurance company.

When you get any paperwork from the insurance company make sure you call your attorney. When you get a call from the Work Comp adjuster be sure to call your attorney. Any information you provide the insurance company may be used against you later in the case.

If you are scheduled for an IME doctor’s appointment call your lawyer right away to discuss what will happen.

Any discussion of settlement should be reviewed carefully with your lawyer. Once you sign the paperwork it is too late.

If you reach the trial stage you should go over and update all medical information with your lawyer before the hearing.

Getting ready for the trial and discussing the questions that will be asked at the hearing is crucial.

Only an experienced Work Comp attorney can prepare you for the questions the insurance company will ask at the hearing, and explain what you need to prove to win your case.

Finally, if you need a ride to get to the hearing then your attorney should be able to help if you cannot get there with family or friends.

Questions about your Workers’ Compensation case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Lawyer Dirk May with Williams and Swee at 309-827-4371.