Should I Tell My Doctor that I am filing for Disability?

Many times a client will ask if they should tell their doctor that they have applied for Social Security Disability.

Some doctors do not understand the social security system.

They believe it is welfare.

They think that they will be brought into court to testify.

They think they will have to complete a bunch of forms.

None of this is true.

However, whether you tell your doctor that you are filing for disability is not the most important part of your medical treatment.

The most vital aspect of your doctor visits is to describe your problems and limitations in detail.

For instance, explain that your back pain occurs almost everyday and makes it hard to walk and stand more than 10 minutes at a time. After this you must sit in a recliner for 30 minutes.

If your doctor has problems putting information in your records, then write it out before your visit and give it to the doctor or nurse.

You should ask for copies of your records to make sure that what you are telling the doctor is reflected in the notes.

Social Security and the Judge will rely on these records in approving or denying your case.

If the records do not say anything about pain or problems with daily functioning, then your case will be very difficult to win.

Questions about your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.