New Tips for Your Social Security Disability Case

Social Security looks at your ability to function and attempts to apply it to the work setting.

Several ways to document your problems with daily functions are as follows:

  • Ask your doctor to complete a driver’s disability placard form from the Secretary of State. Make sure you ask for a copy of the completed form to provide to Social Security.
  • Ask your doctor to document any assistive device with a prescription, such as a cane, brace or walker.
  • If your doctor recommends elevating your legs or only lifting a certain amount of weight, ask the doctor to put it in writing for you.
  • Keep a simple log of headaches, seizures and their severity and length of time you are incapacitated.

Social Security is all about your medical records so make sure that you have official documentation of your problems.

Any objective testing will also help. This includes xrays, MRIs, EMGs, breathing tests, or heart tests.

Questions about how to make sure you have everything you need to prove your disability? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.