Highlights of Illinois Townships Meeting Re SSI and Social Security Disability.

It was fun speaking today in Bloomington, Illinois to Illinois township caseworkers and officials.

The focus was on what Social Security is looking for in determining whether a person is disabled.

Some of the highlights:

Make sure to have copies of selected records sent in with your application.

For instance, xray or MRI reports; prescriptions for canes or walkers; disability placard forms for parking places; or doctor letters explaining the severity of your condition.

Keep track of all your medical providers.

Keep a journal of your symptoms and limitations.

Keep your caseworker and attorney updated on what is happening with your medical conditions and treatment.

Recent changes in SSI and Social Security Disability rules make it important to get a lawyer so that you can submit all your important records in a timely fashion, and to build a strong case from the beginning.

Questions about your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability and SSI Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.