There is enough stress going on without the additional worry of being injured on the job.
Illinois law protects injured workers.
It provides for medical treatment for your injuries, off work pay, and once your treatment is completed you are entitled to a settlement.
To protect your rights you should complete a written injury report as soon as possible after your accident. Go to the doctor right away, and tell the doctor and medical person how you were hurt at work and all body parts injured. Follow through with all medical treatment recommended.
Keep your work and the insurance company updated with all off work slips and doctor notes regarding upcoming treatment.
Make sure to get your settlement from the insurance company at the end of your treatment. Consult a lawyer to make sure you are being paid the correct amount. Illinois Workers’ Compensation attorneys only get paid when you are paid.
Questions about your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss.