Starting Your Illinois Work Comp Case

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Cases are controlled by State law and rules.

The starting point for an Illinois Work Comp case is to file an application of claim.

All Illinois claims are now filed electronically.

An Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer can help you file your claim without any upfront charges.

Illinois Work Comp lawyers are only paid at the end of your case when you recover money.

This allows you to get legal help without paying any upfront money.

The Work Comp insurance company has numerous lawyers protecting its interests.

You are entitled to a lawyer also.

Questions about your Work Injury claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Work Comp Settlement Tips

Be careful out there.

I have seen some Workers’ Compensation Insurance Companies who try to get the injured worker to settle their case without paying for all the bodily injuries.

What this means is that you do not get paid as much money because in Illinois you are paid for each body part that is injured.

Make sure that you understand the exact body parts you are being paid for and the value of each body part.

If you injured multiple body parts and the doctors have examined each body part and provided a diagnosis, then you should be able to get settlement money for each body part.

The insurance companies have many lawyers who work for them. You should be able to get a lawyer to explain what is going on with your work injuries and your settlement offer.

It does not cost you any upfront money for an Illinois Work Comp Attorney to help you. The lawyer is only paid at the end of the case when you collect your money. 20 percent is the limit of the fee.

Questions about your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What Happens at an Illinois Work Comp Trial?

If you cannot settle your Illinois Workers’ Compensation case or if you do not like your settlement offer, then you will need to have a trial to determine the value of your case.

When you go before the Arbitrator ( the official name of the Judge) you will have to have all your medical records ready, all your medical bills, and the testimony of your doctor to present the Arbitrator.

The insurance company will have a lawyer at the trial arguing that you should not get any money and no medical bills should be paid.

There are many rules to follow and arguments that must be made in order to persuade the Arbitrator that you should get paid.

The good news is that you can get a lawyer to help you without paying any up front money.

You only have to pay the attorney if you win the case and get paid.

The fees are limited to 20 percent of what you win.

This levels the playing field so the insurance company is not the only party with a lawyer to fight for them.

Questions about your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.