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Falls are leading cause of death on job site.
Be safe out there.
Hurt at work? Contact us to discuss your work injury at 309-827-4371.
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Falls are leading cause of death on job site.
Be safe out there.
Hurt at work? Contact us to discuss your work injury at 309-827-4371.
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This is what happens when there is a nursing home injury.
Expect a strong defense from the insurance company. It will use medical experts to dispute the injury and the standard of care provided the injured resident. Make sure to contact us to discuss any nursing home abuse and neglect.
You may still be able to take advantage of generous Illinois Work Comp benefits even if you are injured outside the State of Illinois.
When you are hired in Illinois you may still claim Illinois Workers’ Compensation benefits if you are injured in another state.
Make sure to contact us to discuss if you have been injured out of state.
What you tell your doctor at the time of your injury, and as you receive medical treatment is very important.
The reason is that Judges give great weight to what you tell the doctor at the time of the accident and how your body is responding to treatment.
If your story changes at the time of trial, or conflicts with what shows up in your medical records, then the Judge may suspect you are seeking monetary gain from your injury.
However, if your testimony at trial is consistent with what you have told the doctor all along the Judge will find you believable.
For instance, make sure to tell your doctor how you were injured on the job and all the body parts that are injured.
It is also important to explain limitations you experience as a result of the injury, along with any pain and ongoing problems.
Questions about your injury or disability? Feel free to contact Work Injury and Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.
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Burns, crush injuries, forklift accidents, electrical explosions.
Be careful in the plant.
Injured on the job? Contact us at 309-827-4371.