We are not paying Your Work Comp! It was Your fault.

You should always speak with an Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney if you have been hurt on the job.

Many Work Comp insurance companies will deny injured workers money even if they have a legitimate claim.

Illinois law provides for recovery of benefits even if the injury is your fault.

Some insurance companies will blame you for the accident.

You were clumsy.

You did not take proper precautions.

You did not lift properly.

It does not matter in Illinois.

The injured worker does not have to prove fault on the part of the employer.

All that matters is that you were injured during the course of your employment.

It does not cost you money to talk with a Work Injury lawyer in Illinois.

Questions about your injury at work? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Truck Driver Injuries High


Click above to read.

Truck driver injuries are more than double of other hazardous professions.

Arm, back, and neck are the major areas of injury.

Hurt on the job in Illinois? Contact us to discuss at 309-827-4371.

Where is my off Work Pay?

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law requires your employer to pay you if you are off work because of an injury at work.

Make sure to contact an Illinois Work Comp lawyer if you are not being paid.

Some insurance companies “forget to pay”, or want to make you think they do not have to pay you, or dispute your claim.

Whatever the reason you are entitled to 66 percent of your average weekly wage tax free.

It does not cost anything up front to get a lawyer.

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation law requires a lawyer to wait to be paid 20 percent of the recovery until you are paid. This makes it easy to get a lawyer to help you fight for your money.

The insurance company has a number of lawyers, so make sure you are represented also.

Questions about your work injury? Make sure to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.