Where to Get Work Injury Help

More insurance companies are refusing to pay a settlement to injury workers.

They understand that many people will walk away without trying to get the money they deserve for their work injury.

If you are injured on the job, then you are entitled to a work comp settlement in Illinois.

Insurance companies have a large number of attorneys working for them and protecting their interests.

Most people do not know about the laws protecting them in Illinois and they think it costs up front money to hire a lawyer.

This is not true.

Experienced Illinois work comp lawyers will not charge a fee until they recover a settlement for you, and the fee is limited by law.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact experienced Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Big Work Comp Mistakes to Avoid

Make these mistakes and it may blow up your Work Comp case and result in no recovery or a low recovery.

Do not forget to complete a work injury report and get a copy of it.

Remember, you need to prove everything.

Do not wait to go to the doctor because you think it will get better.

Always go the doctor right away. If it does not get better, then you  are ahead of the game.

Tell all the medical people how you were hurt on the job.

The insurance company and the Judge look closely at the medical records and if they do not list a work injury you are in trouble.

Complete all your treatments and tell the medical providers all the problems you are having.

Make sure to get an off work slip each visit.

You must document everything in Work Comp.

Do not let the doctor release you without them detailing all your limitations.

Get help right away for your work injury. Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Missouri Officer shot by handcuffed suspect


Click above to read.

Police officers may sue for Workers’ Compensation benefits if a criminal injures them. Illinois Work Comp benefits include medical treatment, off work pay, and the value of the injury.

What Matters In Your Injury Case

Too many people think that their injury is not bad and that they will not need to file either a work comp claim or injury claim against the insurance company.

The problem is that it is usually too late to change your mind if the injury becomes worse or there are costly medical tests or treatment required.

A few simple steps will protect any potential Illinois Workers’ Compensation claim or injury case you may have.

Report your injury immediately and make a written report.

Make copies of all your reports.

Go to the doctor right away.

Tell the doctor how the injury happened, where it happened, and all the body parts involved.

These straight forward, truthful actions will preserve any future claim you may have.

If your injury worsens, a written injury report at the time of the accident proves where it happened and what happened.

The doctor’s records are evidence of the need for medical treatment and what body parts were injured.

Many injury cases are lost at the initial stage of the accident.

Delay in reporting and seeking medical treatment gives the insurance company the opportunity to plant doubt in the Judge’s mind.

Protect your injury case. Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp and Injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.


What to Expect from Your Work Comp Case

In Illinois the Workers’ Compensation law sets forth specific benefits for injured workers.

The benefits include payment of related medical services and treatment.

This includes doctors’ visits, injections, prescriptions, physical therapy, surgery, MRIs and xrays.

It also includes payment for time missed from work.

If you miss 13 days or less of work, then the first three days are not paid.

Payment is based on your average weekly wage for the 52 weeks before you were injured.

You are paid 2/3 of this amount. There is no tax on these benefits.

You are also entitled to a settlement for your injury.

The settlement is based on a certain number of weeks times 60 percent of your average weekly wage.

The settlement amount is negotiated relative to the injury, the medical treatment, and the permanent restrictions.

Pain and suffering does not enter into the calculation.

If you are not receiving payment for being off work, or payment of your medical bills, or your settlement you need to contact an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.