How to Handle Claims Adjusters

Whether you have a motor vehicle injury, work injury, or dog bite the insurance company representative will often want to speak with you.

The insurance company adjuster’s job is to gather information and medical documents that may be used to deny your claim or reduce the offer that the insurance company will make to you.

Whether the adjuster takes a recorded statement or takes notes of your conversation the focus will be on the details of how the accident happened and your injuries and the treatment of them.

The problem is that the insurance company and its lawyer may use this information against you in a deposition or trial.

For instance, if you tell the adjuster during your statement that the car that hit you was going 20 miles an hour but two years later at a deposition you testify that the car was going 35 miles an hour then you will face intense questioning. Why did you change your story? Wasn’t your memory closer to the time of the accident a better recollection?

If the insurance company wants to question you  and gather information make sure that you secure the assistance of an injury attorney to protect your interests.

Questions about your work injury or motor vehicle injury? Feel free to contact Illinois injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Injury Tips

Whether it is a work injury, dog bite, or car crash there are several things you can do to increase the value of your case.

Make sure that you make a incident report or injury report right away and provide it to your employer or the authorities. Make sure that you get a copy of it for your records.

Make sure that you go to the doctor or hospital as soon as possible.

Give a complete and accurate description of your accident and all the body parts injured.

Show up for all your doctor and therapy appointments and comply with all the doctor’s orders.

Make sure that you tell the doctor about all your continuing pain, swelling, limited range of motion, or numbness and tingling.

Ask your doctor to provide any permanent restrictions or limitations at the end of your treatment.

Questions about your injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois injury Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Headaches

Severe headaches and migraines are devastating.

They disrupt everyday activities and if severe enough may cause you to lose your job.

If you are seeking Social Security Disability you must prove you are not able to work full time.

Proving your case starts with seeing a specialists such as a neurologist.

The neurologist must diagnose your headaches and note the severity and frequency of the headaches.

You should also keep a daily log that describes your headaches. Show this log to your doctor and keep a copy for your disability records.

It will be helpful for your doctor to provide an opinion regarding how much work you will miss in a month and how long you will be unable to perform most activities while suffering from the headaches.

MRIs will usually be part of your diagnostic treatment. They are typically used to rule out serious problems such as a brain tumor. Therefore, a clean MRI does not rule out migraines.

A case for disability can be won on the basis of migraines, but the neurologist must be willing to help you document and develop your case.

Questions about headaches and migraines and your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Make Sure to Coordinate Your Work Comp Settlement and Social Security Claim

Social Security law requires that your disability payments be offset or reduced to take into account any Workers’ Compensation settlement.

This makes it very important for your Workers’ Compensation lawyer to be aware of your filing for Social Security Disability benefits.

The best situation is to use the same lawyer for both the work injury claim and the Social Security Disability claim, however if that is not possible then make sure that your Workers’ Comp lawyer talks with your Social Security attorney.

Your work comp lawyer must make sure to put special spread language approved through SSA to reduce any offset as much as allowed pursuant to SSA rules.

I have seen several Work Comp settlements that have not used this special language and the disabled workers suffers greatly as a result.

These injured workers have had their Social Security disability benefits cut off for several years.

The result is that it would have better for the injured worker to never have taken any money for the Work Comp settlement.

Make sure that you do not sign any work comp settlement contracts without having them reviewed carefully by and experienced Social Security Disability attorney.

Do you have a work comp injury and are you disabled? Feel free to contact me, Dirk May, an experienced Social Security Disability and Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney at 309-827-4371.

Senate Committee Passes Bill After Emotional Testimony From Hastert Victim

Emotions ran high at the state capitol as a child sex abuse victim of Dennis Hastert lobbies for changing the rules on prosecuting child predators.Hastert, the former House Speaker, is serving time at a federal prison for his hush-money case. Hastert plead

Source: Senate Committee Passes Bill After Emotional Testimony From Hastert Victim

Click to read.

You cannot argue against removing the statute of limitations against child predators. Do not let them hide behind any procedural walls.