Springfield Man Accused in fatal wreck found not guilty


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Even if person is found not guilty in criminal trial, a civil charge may result in damages for negligence. Money damages depend on whether the driver violated the rules of the road and the passenger suffered as a result.


Your Injury Case- What the Judge Sees

Whether it be a work injury, motor vehicle injury case, or Social Security Disability case, you want to make sure the Judge thinks favorably of you and your case.

Remember the Judge sees a large number of cases.

This means the Judge will have a sample size from which she compares with your case.

Make sure your case stands out in the right way, and influences the Judge to rule in your favor.

The Judge will be looking at your work history, the doctor’s notes, medical treatment, complaints of pain and physical and mental limitations.

A good work history indicates a willingness to work when able.

Doctor notes containing a clear history of your injury supports your testimony regarding how you were hurt and what body parts were injured.

Compliance with medical treatment shows that you are doing everything you can to get better.

Avoiding alcohol and drug abuse shows that your problems are related to your injuries and not substance abuse.

Complaints of pain and restrictions in your medical records supports your testimony at trial regarding pain and suffering.

Being polite and forthright in testimony before the Judge gives her impression that you can be trusted and are serious about your claim.

The idea is to make it easy for the Judge to empathize with you and want to help you.

Questions about your case? Feel free to contact Illinois injury and disability lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.