Do One Thing Today to Help Your Car Injury Case

If there is one thing you can do to help protect the value of your automobile injury case, then do not delay.

Do not put off going to the emergency room or prompt care at the time of your collision.

Make sure that you schedule your doctor appointment as soon as possible.

Tell your doctor about all your problems and how they are related to the motor vehicle collision.

Do not neglect to schedule follow up appointments.

Make sure that you follow doctor orders.

Remember to explain how you are feeling. Do not exaggerate, but do not under report your pain either.  It does no good to tell the doctor you are fine, if you are hurting.

Describe how you are limited as a result of your injuries.

The insurance company is closely reviewing your records to use them against you,  and will take things out of context that sound innocent or might not seem a big deal to you.

Questions about what to do today? Feel free to contact Illinois injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

12 Facts the Social Security Administration Wants You to Know

Source: 12 Facts the Social Security Administration Wants You to Know

Click above to read.

Important point is the 90 percent of workers are entitled to Social Security Disability. Make sure to file for benefits if you can no longer work.

No charges in death of Campustown panhandler |

Coroner: Physical and mental stress during restraint by law enforcement contributed to death.

Source: No charges in death of Campustown panhandler |

Click above to read.

Even if criminal charges are not filed, family members may file a civil lawsuit for damages as a result of improper use of force and restraint. The victim’s actions may be used a defense. Such as intoxication, use of drugs etc.

Protect Your Car Injury Settlement

Insurance companies will look for ways to reduce your settlement from a car collision injury.

Make sure that you do not settle to soon.

Insurance companies want to cut their loses and pay you a small amount of money to settle your claim.

You want to get all the treatment you need to get you back to work and able to perform your activities without pain.

Once you settle the case is over and any future medical treatment is your responsibility.

Make sure that you see the doctor early and often to get your necessary treatment.

Otherwise the insurance company will argue that you are fine and that the delayed medical treatment is not related to your accident.

Do not give statement to the insurance company.

They will use your statement against you to reduce your settlement.

Stay off social media.

Insurance companies are checking on injury victims and trying to use photos and posts against them to show activities inconsistent with medical limitations.

Questions about your auto collision injuries? Feel free to contact Illinois injury attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.