Chestnut awarded mental health grants.
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Mental health services are very important to many people who are seeking Social Security Disability benefits.
Chestnut awarded mental health grants.
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Mental health services are very important to many people who are seeking Social Security Disability benefits.
The most important aspect of an Illinois Workers’ Compensation case depends on your circumstances.
Your are entitled to 3 main rights pursuant to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation law.
You are entitled to medical care related to your injury.
You are entitled to time off work pay related to your injury.
You are entitled to a settlement or award based on your injury once you have finished your treatment.
I spoke with an injured worker recently who was receiving payment from the insurance company while off work, but he was not getting his medical treatment approved.
In his case the money was important to have, but he was not getting any better and he was in pain.
Clearly, for this injured worker the most important thing to him was getting back to work and living a normal life.
He needs immediate care before the damage becomes permanent.
For some people once they have the medical care taken care of, they want the settlement as fast as possible so they can get on with their life.
For other people getting the off work check is of major importance.
Everyone has different goals and needs.
You often need an experience work comp lawyer who can help you decide what is most important to you and the best way to get there.
Questions about what to do with your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May with Williams and Swee at 309-827-4371.
Neuropathy (Nerve Damage): American Diabetes Association®.
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Diabetic neuropathy is a major cause of limitations including standing, walking and handling and fingering objects. This is very important in Social Security Disability cases.
Over 10 million U.S. adults gain coverage under Obamacare: study –
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This is a big deal for those who are seeking Social Security Disability. Without medical treatment your case is going no where.
Back Pain – In-Depth Report – NY Times Health.
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Good overview of back problems.
Back problems result in a large number of Social Security Disability cases.