Important Tips for the Injured

Whether your case involves a Work Injury, a car or truck crash, or a Social Security Disability claim be sure to tell your Doctor about all your problems.

In addition tell your Doctor what limitations and ongoing problems you have suffered as a result of your injury and conditions.

This is important because the value of your case increases with permanent or ongoing limitations and restrictions.

Disability is based on your permanent limitations and restrictions.

The best proof of limitations and restrictions is medical records and opinions of your treating doctor.

The doctors cannot treat you, examine you or provide an opinion unless you tell them regarding your ongoing problems and how they limit you.

Questions about your injuries and conditions? Feel to contact Illinois injury and disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Family sues University for Football player’s Death

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The law protects certain people against negligent actions. That would include students, employees, and customers among others. The injured party must prove that the a duty is of protection is owed and that there is some type of damage. Such as death, bodily injuries or mental anguish.

Different Lawyers Do Different Things and Cost Different Amounts

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyers, Personal Injury Lawyers and Social Security Disability Lawyers do not charge any upfront fees. They only get paid at the end of the case.

This helps you because you do not have to pay any money out of pocket. The fee comes from the settlement or recovery.

TV shows usually focus on lawyers who are paid $500 an hour or who charge a $5,000 retainer fee.

Lawyers who help you with injury or disability cases do not charge any hourly fees or retainers.

Why use a lawyer at all?

All these areas of the law: Social Security Disability, Personal Injury, Work Injury are complicated and have many pitfalls.

Why go it alone when you can hire an expert and not pay any money unless you win?

Questions about your case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Injury and Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.