Illinois Police Officers Entitled to Work Comp Benefits

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Illinois Police Officers injured on the job are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. This includes medical bills, off work pay, and a settlement for the injury itself.

Work Comp Will Not Give me My Surgery

If you have been injured at work in Illinois you are entitled to receive related medical treatment.

Sometimes Workers’ Compensation insurance companies will not authorized the surgery your doctors have recommended.

Surgeries cost a significant amount of money and some insurance companies want to avoid these costs.

If you have been denied your surgery make sure to contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation attorney to discuss how to turn the tables on the insurance company.

It does not cost any upfront money to have a lawyer work with you.

All fees are based on what you recover at the end of the case.

Questions about your work injury and what should happen? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.