Another Missed Work Comp Settlement

Another person called our office this week with a familiar story.

Their Illinois Workers’ Compensation insurance company paid them while off work, but never paid the final settlement money.

It is a pattern we are seeing.

Insurance companies are hoping that you will leave your money with them to increase their profits.

It is being done at your expense.

Illinois law provides you with the right to settlement money if you are injured on the job.

There is no law that requires the Work Comp insurance company to notify you of your settlement.

Do not be a victim.

Contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 for a free explanation of your work injury case.

Report your Work Injury Immediately

The key to getting your Illinois Workers’ Compensation benefits is filing an injury report as soon as possible.

Insurance companies look for when you report your work accident.

The sooner, the better.

Need guidance with your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What About My Work Comp Pay?

What do you do if you are not being paid your Illinois Workers’ Compensation off work pay?

Illinois law makes it clear that if you are hurt on the job and cannot work, then you entitled to temporary total disability which is the name for the off work pay. This is the responsibility of your employer and its insurance company.

To find out why you are not being paid make sure that you contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer.

The lawyer can find out why you are not being paid.

Some Workers’ Compensation insurance companies delay paying TTD ( off work pay) or they try to avoid paying altogether what is required by law. They do not expect you to know the law and your rights.

It does not cost you anything to talk with an Illinois Work Comp lawyer to find out why you are not getting payment.

Make sure that your doctor is providing you with all your off work notes at every doctor visit, and take a copy of them to a lawyer.

Questions about what is going on with your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What about My Work Comp Medical Treatment?

Illinois Workers’ Compensation law provides that you are entitled to medical treatment related to your work injury.

Some Work Comp insurance companies will ignore you or fail to authorize your medical treatment, and as a result your doctor will not be able to treat you.

You should contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney immediately if this happens to you.

Illinois Work Comp lawyers are not paid until they recover money for you at the end of the case, therefore you do not have to pay any upfront fees.

The lawyer can force the insurance company to provide written authorization to the doctor and get your needed medical treatment.

An example is if the doctor recommends back surgery and the insurance company will not respond to you or the doctor’s office.

Delayed treatment is bad for your health and prevents you from getting back to work.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.