Get Your Illinois Workers’ Compensation Settlement

Whenever you are injured you should receive money at the end of the case.

Some insurance companies will not pay you the settlement.

Some insurance companies will not pay you enough money for your injury.

Not sure why you were not paid?

Not sure if you were offered enough money for your injury?

You can speak with an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney for free.

Illinois attorneys are only paid at the end of the case and only if they get money for you.

Illinois attorney fees in Workers’ Compensation cases are limited to 20 percent of the settlement.

Questions about your work comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Important Tips for the Injured

Whether your case involves a Work Injury, a car or truck crash, or a Social Security Disability claim be sure to tell your Doctor about all your problems.

In addition tell your Doctor what limitations and ongoing problems you have suffered as a result of your injury and conditions.

This is important because the value of your case increases with permanent or ongoing limitations and restrictions.

Disability is based on your permanent limitations and restrictions.

The best proof of limitations and restrictions is medical records and opinions of your treating doctor.

The doctors cannot treat you, examine you or provide an opinion unless you tell them regarding your ongoing problems and how they limit you.

Questions about your injuries and conditions? Feel to contact Illinois injury and disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Fatal Fall Results in Lawsuit against 3M

Click above to read.

Tragic death illustrates 2 cases that can result from a work accident.

Workers’ Compensation claim against the employer and potential 3rd party lawsuit for products liability.

Know the Value of Your Work Comp Case

In Illinois there is no hard and fast rule for the value of your Workers’ Compensation case.

Some states have schedules for certain types of injuries that will tell you the settlement value.

However, in Illinois the value depends on case law that has developed over time and the politics of Illinois government.

Understanding the correct settlement value is important to making your decision regarding how to proceed with your case.

If you under value your case, then you may leave money on the table and you will settle for less than it is truly worth.

If you over value your case, then you may wait longer for your settlement and spend more money pursing your case than is necessary.

It is important to get the right amount of money for your case so you can use the money for what you want sooner rather than later.

Make sure to speak with an experienced Illinois Work Comp Lawyer to find out the value for your case. It does not cost any money to speak with an Illinois Work Comp Lawyer. Lawyers are only paid if they recover money for you.

Questions about your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.