Why Doesn’t Work Comp Talk to Me?

Insurance companies have thousands of work injury claims going at one time.

Some insurance company adjusters are very good at their job, and some do not care.

Some insurance companies want to ignore you and hope you give up.

If your work injury claim is being ignored, then make sure to contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer to get the attention of the insurance company.

It does not cost anything to talk to a Work Comp lawyer. A lawyer is only paid at the end of your case if you recover money.

Eventually the insurance company will have to respond and pay you the money it owes you.

Only an Illinois Work Comp lawyer can get the insurance company to come to court and ask a Judge (Arbitrator) to order the insurance company to pay you.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Work Injury resulting in High Wage Loss?

High wage earners must make sure that they are paid the correct amount if they are injured on the job and suffer a permanent wage loss.

This includes union workers, professionals, and people paid a high hourly wage.

If you suffer permanent wage loss as a result of your work injuries, then Illinois law has several protections available to you.

Permanent wage reduction may happen because of physical or mental restrictions that cause you to lose your job or force a job change with lower earnings.

Do not settle your work comp case until you explore whether you may have a high wage loss case.

Questions about your work injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Injury Attorney Dirk May to discuss your case at 309-827-4371.

Pension Offset based on Work Comp Settlements?


Click above to read.

What were they thinking. You are entitled to a Work Injury Settlement in Illinois if injured on the job. Then the company wants to reduce your pension on the way out the door. Crazy.

Injured Union Workers’ Rights

Yes, injured Illinois union workers have rights also.

If injured on the job, you are entitled to have related medical treatment for your injuries paid.

If the doctor takes you off work, you are entitled to 2/3rds of your weekly wages.

Finally, you are entitled to payment for your work injury. This is called the settlement or award. Many insurance companies will neglect to pay you for your work injuries. Make sure that you get your settlement payment.

Questions about how this works in your injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Injury Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.