Union Workers get your Work Comp Contracts reviewed before you Settle

Many people sign their Illinois Workers’ Compensation settlement contracts without understanding what it means for them or the future.

I have seen some settlement contracts that will hurt injured union workers in several ways.

Insurance companies want injured workers to waive their rights to future medical payments.

Insurance companies want injured workers to sign contracts that will not cover unpaid injury related medical bills.

Insurance companies want injured workers to sign contracts that will not pay the full value of the injury claim

Insurance companies do not care if injured workers are receiving Social Security Disability benefits or may receive them in the future.

Insurance companies want injured workers to sign contracts before they have reached maximum medical improvement.

Do not sign Illinois Workers’ Compensation settlement contracts until you have an experienced Illinois Work Comp Attorney review them with you.

Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May for a free review of your settlement contracts at 309-827-4371

Fatal Work Injuries in Illinois


Click above to see Illinois statistics regarding fatal injuries and their causes.

163 fatal work accidents in 2017 (latest year available).

Highest percentage category is transportation incidents.

Illinois law provides for death benefits in certain cases.

Injured Union Workers Do Not Forget your Settlement

Union workers injured on the job are entitled to a settlement.

Illinois law provides that an injured worker may receive medical benefits, off work pay, and settlement pay for the injury.

Some insurance companies will “forget” to pay the injured worker the settlement.

This saves the insurance companies thousands of dollars over time.

The settlement in Illinois is based on the nature and extent of the injury.

There is no payment for pain and suffering for Illinois Workers’ Compensation claims. However, the settlement is based on whether surgery is involved, the specific body part injured, and what limitations result.

Are you a union worker who has been hurt on the job? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss your case without charge.