St. Paul teacher assaulted by student plans to sue district –

A St.

Source: St. Paul teacher assaulted by student plans to sue district –

In Illinois the teacher would be allowed to file a Workers’ Compensation case and if the teacher can prove the school district intentionally allowed the dangerous conditions to exist a potential liability case is available.

Can Union Workers Get Illinois Workers’ Compensation?

Illinois law does not prevent Union Workers from being able to collect Workers’ Compensation benefits.

No union contract can bargain away your rights to get work comp benefits for a legitimate on the job injury.

Make sure that you report your injury to your supervisor right away.

Make sure that you complete the accident report and list all your injuries. Get a copy for yourself.

Make sure that you go to the doctor immediately.

Make sure that you tell the nurses and doctors that you were injured on the job and all the body parts that you injured.

Make sure that you follow the doctor’s orders for treatment and keep all your doctor appointments.

Make sure that Workers’ Compensation insurance pays all your medical bills, your time off work and your settlement.

Some insurance companies will forget to tell you that you are entitled to a settlement. You are entitled to a settlement under Illinois law whether you are a union worker or a non-union worker.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workmans’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371. Illinois lawyers only get paid if you get paid.

Firefighters mourn colleague killed in warehouse blaze: ‘A very sad day.’ | Chicago Sun-Times

A 42-year-old firefighter was killed battling a blaze in a factory in the South Chicago neighborhood early Monday.

Source: Firefighters mourn colleague killed in warehouse blaze: ‘A very sad day.’ | Chicago Sun-Times

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Tragic accident. This is a workers’ compensation claim and a negligence suit against the owner who did not obtain an elevator repair permit.

Social Security: Be prepared when disaster strikes – The Jackson County Times-Journal: Government

Source: Social Security: Be prepared when disaster strikes – The Jackson County Times-Journal: Government

Click above to read.

Make sure that you check with Social Security to find out if you are covered if you become disabled.