Pilot’s wife sues 5 companies in fatal 2015 air crash | Local News | pantagraph.com

CHICAGO — The wife of the pilot killed in a 2015 plane crash that killed six other people after it was unable to land at Central Illinois Regional Airport has

Source: Pilot’s wife sues 5 companies in fatal 2015 air crash | Local News | pantagraph.com

The lawsuit focuses on the maker of the engine, the companies who performed repairs and maintained the airplane. It must be proven that there was some problem with the engine or the repairs that caused the crash.

Should You Apply for Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability involves a complicated application process.

There is also usually a long waiting period before you are accepted.

The odds of being approved are not great.

All this to say that you should make sure that you truly cannot work a job before you apply for disability.

Monthly disability payments may range from $400 to $2500 depending on your earnings history.

So Social Security does not pay you a tremendous amount of money, however if you cannot work it is a wonderful safety net.

The other advantage of Social Security Disability is that eventually you will be entitled to Medicare.

The SSDI program has the added feature of allowing you to work part-time with a monthly earnings limit that changes every year.

This allows you to earn some money in addition to your disability payment.

The whole process may take up to 2 to 3 years, therefore you should make sure that your health definitely prevents you from working.

Many people work until they absolutely cannot continue and then file.

Before you stop working you should ask your doctors for the proper testing to document your conditions such as xrays, MRIs, nerve testing, or breathing tests.

This will provide objective evidence of your condition and support your claim.

Questions about winning your disability claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Police investigating suicide attempt at Sangamon Co. Jail; former inmate dead

A lawyer for the family of a former Clinton woman who died last week after a suspected suicide attempt in March at the Sangamon County Jail says local and state officials failed to properly care for the woman’s mental illnesses.“I don’t think there’s any question that she shouldn’t have been brought to the jail,” Alan Mills, executive director of the Chicago-based Uptown People’s Law Center, told The State Journal-Register.Mills, a lawyer representing the family of Tiffany Rusher,

Source: Police investigating suicide attempt at Sangamon Co. Jail; former inmate dead

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This is most likely become a more prevalent issue due to Illinois funding problems for mental health treatment. The question will be how do you take care of a mentally ill person who may endanger others and herself. Legally the question is did jail personnel follow standard procedure in caring for this mentally ill woman.

How to Handle Claims Adjusters

Whether you have a motor vehicle injury, work injury, or dog bite the insurance company representative will often want to speak with you.

The insurance company adjuster’s job is to gather information and medical documents that may be used to deny your claim or reduce the offer that the insurance company will make to you.

Whether the adjuster takes a recorded statement or takes notes of your conversation the focus will be on the details of how the accident happened and your injuries and the treatment of them.

The problem is that the insurance company and its lawyer may use this information against you in a deposition or trial.

For instance, if you tell the adjuster during your statement that the car that hit you was going 20 miles an hour but two years later at a deposition you testify that the car was going 35 miles an hour then you will face intense questioning. Why did you change your story? Wasn’t your memory closer to the time of the accident a better recollection?

If the insurance company wants to question you  and gather information make sure that you secure the assistance of an injury attorney to protect your interests.

Questions about your work injury or motor vehicle injury? Feel free to contact Illinois injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Lawsuit blames First Student, bus driver for crash | Local Crime & Courts | pantagraph.com

BLOOMINGTON — A Bloomington man seriously injured when his motorcycle collided with a school bus carrying Unit 5 students has filed a lawsuit against First Student and the bus driver,

Source: Lawsuit blames First Student, bus driver for crash | Local Crime & Courts | pantagraph.com

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Most motor vehicle crashes do not have a video. Therefore, the video will play a major role in the case. Defenses raised will be the speed of the motorcyclist and the witnesses to the crash.