Bartender Shot During Attempted Robbery

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If the Bartender was in Illinois, she would be able to seek Workers’ Compensation benefits. It does not matter that a criminal caused the injuries or that armed robberies are not the norm. The bartender is still able to receive medical treatment, off work pay, and a settlement for any permanent injuries.

Straight Talk About Sex Misconduct Cases

Beyond all the legal details sexual misconduct and harassment cases are emotionally draining for the victims.

It takes a lot of courage to come forward and air private and embarrassing details.

Sexual predators count on people being reluctant and afraid to stand up to powerful, intimidating, and wealthy people in higher positions.

The legal system does not make it easy.

You must submit to a large number of questions that may become public.

You also must testify in depositions and be subject to attorneys questioning your motives and past behavior.

Depending on the people involved it may become a media event.

You will need support from friends, family, counselors, and your church.

There is nothing wrong with you if decide this is not the way I want to address the issue.

However, if you decide I must take these steps then you will be helping stop the predator and possibly other perpetrator’s from ruining someone else’s life.

If you want to speak with someone in confidence, please feel free to contact Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Bloomington Nursing Home Reduces Numbers to Address Problems

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Illinois Department of Public Health oversees nursing homes. Residents who experience abuse or neglect may report problems to IDPH. Residents may also file lawsuits to address abuse or neglect and the resulting injuries and damages.

Drunk Driver causes life threatening injuries

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Any injuries are tragic, however when the at fault driver has no license, no insurance and is drunk everything becomes much worse. Sometimes there may be a recovery from the at fault driver’s assets. It is usually a very difficult process.