Why Not Talk with the Insurance Company Adjuster

What can it hurt to speak with the insurance company adjuster about your work injury or motor vehicle collision?

You may think it will speed up the process and get your check faster, however it can result in a low ball offer and harm your case in the end.

Some adjusters will want to take a recorded statement from you before they will talk settlement.

Whatever you say to the insurance adjuster in the recording can be used against you later in the case.

You may misunderstand a question or become nervous and misspeak. It is hard to undue the mistake once it happens. So make sure that you do not agree to a recorded statement unless you have a lawyer present with you.

Some adjusters will want to make a quick settlement offer and wrap up the case.

The problem is that once you settle your case it is over. If you miss a medical bill or need more medical treatment later, then it is your responsibility.

Be very careful before you settle your case. Make sure that an experienced workers’ compensation or personal injury lawyer reviews your settlement before you sign any documents.

Insurance companies have many lawyers on retainer to protect its interests, make sure that you have a lawyer to help you out.

Questions about your injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation and personal injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Auto Injury Tips

If you are injured in a Illinois motor vehicle collision, then make sure you take steps to get your bills paid as soon as possible.

The reason is that the at fault driver’s insurance company will not pay your bills till the end of the case.

This may be several years down the road.

Many medical providers will not wait that long for payment.

Here are some options for getting your bills paid short of paying them yourself out of pocket.

Check your insurance company’s medical payment coverage.

This will reimbursed to your company at the end of the case once it is resolved.

The at fault driver’s insurance company may have medical payment coverage that will also cover your medical treatment.

Submit your bills to your health insurance company for payment.

Your health insurance company will be reimbursed at the end of the case for the bills it paid on your behalf.

Medicare and Medicaid may pay for your treatment upfront, and then they will be repaid at the end of the case.

If you cannot get your bills paid through these avenues, then you will have to ask the provider rely on your recovery at the end of treatment.

Some medical providers will agree to this arrangement.

Questions about what to do after an auto injury? Feel free to contact personal injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Two injured in crash involving CTA bus on LSD

Two people were injured in a crash involving a CTA bus late Friday on South Lake Shore Drive in the Douglas neighborhood on the South Side.

Source: Two injured in crash involving CTA bus on LSD

Bus passengers have legal rights to pursue personal injury lawsuits against negligent drivers, whether it be the bus driver or another driver who strikes the bus.

Mitsubishi Plant Closing and Work Comp Settlements

If you have a workers’ compensation case pending or have been contacted to sign settlement papers you should make sure that you check with an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer.

Feel free to contact Dirk May at Williams and Swee to discuss your situation whether you are a Mitsubishi worker or work elsewhere.

As always consultations are free and fees are only charged upon recovery of money for you.

Can Union Workers Get Illinois Workers’ Compensation?

Illinois law does not prevent Union Workers from being able to collect Workers’ Compensation benefits.

No union contract can bargain away your rights to get work comp benefits for a legitimate on the job injury.

Make sure that you report your injury to your supervisor right away.

Make sure that you complete the accident report and list all your injuries. Get a copy for yourself.

Make sure that you go to the doctor immediately.

Make sure that you tell the nurses and doctors that you were injured on the job and all the body parts that you injured.

Make sure that you follow the doctor’s orders for treatment and keep all your doctor appointments.

Make sure that Workers’ Compensation insurance pays all your medical bills, your time off work and your settlement.

Some insurance companies will forget to tell you that you are entitled to a settlement. You are entitled to a settlement under Illinois law whether you are a union worker or a non-union worker.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workmans’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371. Illinois lawyers only get paid if you get paid.