Make Your Work Comp Case Stronger- Be Consistent

The Arbitrator, the insurance company and its lawyers will be looking at every part of your case in deciding whether they will authorize medical treatment or settle your case.

This means that you need to file an accident report with your employer as soon as possible after you are injured.

Make sure that you include all your injuries in the report and explain clearly how you were injured.

Tell your doctors and medical providers about all your injuries and how it happened at work. If possible, take a copy of your injury report with you to the doctor’s appointments.

Make sure that you attend all medical appointments and undergo all medical treatment recommended.

The key is to be consistent in explaining your work injury and what body parts are injured.

The insurance company will attempt to raise doubt if you fail to mention injury to certain body parts or give varying accounts of your injury.

Arbitrators view accident reports and medical provider recorded histories as very strong indications of what truly happened because they occur very close to the time of accident and there is not time to make up a story to gain money.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371. With us you are a person not a case.

Recent Illinois Workers’ Compensation Activity

I have had the opportunity to speak at two Illinois Workers’ Compensation seminars this summer.

The consensus among the lawyers who presented at the seminars is that the deadlock among legislators and the Governor will continue regarding changes in the Workers’ Compensation law.

Nothing will happen until after the November election and a new legislature is seated in January 2017.

In some ways the budget stalemate has helped injured workers because changes the would damage injured workers’ rights have not been enacted.

Some recent important court cases have clarified the Illinois Workers’ Compensation law.

Questions about your case and what you can do to make your case as strong as possible? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Amid opioid epidemic, rules for drug companies are loosened – LA Times

When it comes to combating the nation’s opioid epidemic, politicians of all stripes say they are fully committed.

Source: Amid opioid epidemic, rules for drug companies are loosened – LA Times

Click above to read.

Addiction to pain medications may be an important problem for people who are disabled or who have suffered a work injury. They must deal with chronic pain and avoid addiction. Research into non-addictive methods of reducing pain is very important.

How to Get Your Off Work Pay Started

You should be paid 2/3 of your average weekly wage if you have been injured at work and you are unable to work your job.

Some insurance companies will not pay you what is called TTD or temporary total disability unless you ask them or contact them to find out why you are not being paid.

Some insurance companies will dispute that you were injured, or dispute that your condition that is keeping you off work is related to the work injury, or deny that you are unable to work.

In any event if you are not being paid you will need to seek a trial before an Illinois Workers’ Compensation Arbitrator to start your benefits.

As the injured worker you must prove all the elements of your case.

This includes accident, causal connection, related medical bills and off work status.

You may need accident reports, witnesses, medical records, testimony of your doctor, medical bills and off work slips.

This can quickly become complicated so make sure that you have a experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney to help you get your off work pay started.

Questions about your work comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371 to discuss all your concerns.



Communicating with Your Lawyer and Custom Legal Services

A major part of custom legal help is being able to communicate with your lawyer in the ways that fit you best.

Does texting fit your busy life style? We can do that for you.

Does emailing help you put your thoughts in order? We can do that too.

Do you want to meet face-to-face in our office? No problem.

Do you want someone to come to your house to discuss the what is happening next in your case? We will make arrangements.

Do feel more comfortable meeting in a nearby restaurant or coffee shop? Just let us know the time and place.

Custom legal services is about your lifestyle and needs.

What someone to talk to about your case and what it means to you. Feel free to contact Illinois disability and injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.