Credibility- How to Help Your Injury Case

Credibility means that you are believable and the Judge or Jury leans toward your version of events.

Credibility is important in work injury cases, personal injury cases and Social Security Disability cases.

The most important factors that enhance your credibility include how medical providers view you, how your documents support your claim, and how your testimony supports your claim.

Medical records provide a snapshot of what you told nurses and doctors at or near the time of your accident. This is viewed as important because you did not have time to reflect and possibly exaggerate your pain or the cause of your accident. Make sure that you go to the doctor right away and explain all your injuries, how the accident happened, and what limitations you are experiencing.

Documents such as police reports and accident reports corroborate your testimony regarding the cause of accident and how you were injured. Inconsistent testimony with these documents will harm your case.

Your testimony should be consistent with medical records and accident reports. Your testimony should be believable.

Exaggeration will damage your case.

Arguments with opposing lawyers, the Judge or Arbitrator will make you look bad and make it easier to deny or reduce the value of your case.

Questions about how to help your case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury, and Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

What Should I Do about My Settlement Offer?

You should always review your settlement offer with a lawyer experienced in Illinois Workers’ Compensation law or personal injury law depending on the type of case you have.

The insurance company may have made a fair offer, but you will not know until a lawyer with knowledge of the law and your case studies it.

The strength and weaknesses of your case are very crucial to determining whether your settlement offer is fair.

Do not rely on friends or family or people who claim to have some knowledge of the work comp or personal injury cases.

They do not not understand the specifics of your case or the law.

For instance, you may experience some pain or limitations after you have had surgery or medical treatment but if you do not have  permanent restrictions from the doctor, the allegations and symptoms are not as strong and may not justify additional settlement money.

Workers’ Compensation cases in Illinois are based on your average weekly wage the year before you were injured.

For instance, a person with the same injury who is a union member will have a higher settlement than a minimum wage worker with the same injury.

You also need to know how your medical bills will be paid as part of the settlement. This is different with personal injury and work comp cases.

Need some guidance with your injury case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation and personal injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.



Why Not Talk with the Insurance Company Adjuster

What can it hurt to speak with the insurance company adjuster about your work injury or motor vehicle collision?

You may think it will speed up the process and get your check faster, however it can result in a low ball offer and harm your case in the end.

Some adjusters will want to take a recorded statement from you before they will talk settlement.

Whatever you say to the insurance adjuster in the recording can be used against you later in the case.

You may misunderstand a question or become nervous and misspeak. It is hard to undue the mistake once it happens. So make sure that you do not agree to a recorded statement unless you have a lawyer present with you.

Some adjusters will want to make a quick settlement offer and wrap up the case.

The problem is that once you settle your case it is over. If you miss a medical bill or need more medical treatment later, then it is your responsibility.

Be very careful before you settle your case. Make sure that an experienced workers’ compensation or personal injury lawyer reviews your settlement before you sign any documents.

Insurance companies have many lawyers on retainer to protect its interests, make sure that you have a lawyer to help you out.

Questions about your injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation and personal injury lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371. CompNewsNetwork – Worker’s Severe Saw Injury Prompts Investigation, Uncovers a Dozen+ Safety Hazards at Georgia Meat Processing Plant

Source: CompNewsNetwork – Worker’s Severe Saw Injury Prompts Investigation, Uncovers a Dozen+ Safety Hazards at Georgia Meat Processing Plant

Click above to read.

When there is an injury like this there are several choices. File a Workers’ Compensation claim, OSHA claim, and possibly a claim against the equipment maker.

Social Security Disability and Work Comp Hearing Tip

One overlooked aspect of testifying in your disability or Workers’ Compensation case is being likeable.

Many cases are close cases. Meaning that in the Judge’s eyes a small piece of evidence can sway the Judge to deny or approve your case.

It often comes down to how you testify in court before the Judge.

The legal term is whether the witness is credible or believable.

The best way to influence a Judge favorably is to be polite and answer truthfully and in a way the paints the picture of your condition and limitations.

A witness who argues with a Judge, who is evasive, or gives confusing and long winded answers does not help himself.

Judge’s usually do not give witnesses like these the benefit of the doubt.

However, witnesses who treat a Judge with respect, who answer in a straight forward manner and explain what happens to them in a reasonable manner will find that Judge’s will overlook some weaknesses in their case.

It is only human nature that a Judge will find it easier to side with a polite witness who testifies with a ring of truth.

Above all, do not give the Judge a reason to find against you. Instead, make it difficult for the Judge to rule against you.

Questions about your Social Security Disability or Workers’ Compensation case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability and Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.